
Archive for November, 2023

I still like winter

When I was 19 years old still living at home in my parents house in Staten Island , I worked in Manhattan NYC. Where we lived was a far trek to the ferry that many commuters took over to Manhattan from Staten Island . We lived at the other end of the island . So travel to and from work involved a four block walk to the bus stop, a long bus ride across the island to the ferry, the ferry ride and then a few blocks walk to my downtown Manhattan workplace .

Winters in NYC can be cold, bleak, wet and downright messy sometimes . Standing on the bus stop and stepping over slushy piles of dirty snow , to board the bus was no picnic. Then you never had a guaranteed seat, as using public transportation to commute to the city was common practice . If you were lucky at one point you got to sit down, otherwise you held onto the poles as you were tossed to and fro while the bus weaved it’s way through traffic. I also remember the heat blasting on the bus to keep folks warm but the problem was you were bundled up in heavy coats, scarves boots, and gloves to protect from the outside temps but you were roasting in the blasting heat of the bus. If you tried to take some outerwear off then it was cumbersome holding onto it all especially if you were standing, then at every stop the doors would open and you would get a blast of cold air in your face .

When we finally reached the last stop and exited the bus you sometimes had to run through the ferry terminal so as not to miss the ferry, since the bus schedule was not always reliable . And make no mistake , NYC commuters MO is “ every man for himself” so it was tricky business to not get pushed around or run over . Then finally you were on the ferry, that always smelled of coffee and dirty water hotdogs mixed with salty air . The coffee was welcomed though and I sometimes opted to spend the ride enjoying it in the ladies room which had an area with seats at a counter with mirrors . It was common for women to do their makeup for the day on the ferry .

The ferry had the same temperature regulation issue . Too hot for your outerwear inside , but freezing cold and windy by the doors or outside on the deck .

Once on the Manhattan side it was the same rush getting off , body on top of body, people pushing their way through the crowd . Also, a breeding ground for the occasional pervert that wanted to cop an accidental feel .

The walk to the office was the same. Either a slushy, dirty, wet walk, or a fight with the wind whipping around the buildings and down the alleys freezing your face off . Dodging the venders from carts selling their hot coffee, pastry or bagels. Commercial trucks everywhere , unloading, blocking traffic while horns honked incessantly . Steam seeping out of the manhole covers and sewer grates, while droves of people emerged up the steps to street level from underground subways.

One good thing about the Commute to work in the winter . It made walking into your workplace a welcome treat, all warm and toasty where you could rid yourself of your heavy cumbersome outerwear and settle into your bright cubicle with your morning coffee . I don’t think I looked forward to arriving at work as much any other time of year as the winter. Despite the dirty dreariness of the winter streets of Manhattan, most office buildings inside were shiny and clean and classy . Especially at Christmastime . Walking into the lobby and seeing the big bright commercial decorations and then entering the offices where workers desk areas and cubicles were adorned with garland and Christmas cards. You had eight hours to enjoy the comfortable environment while you performed your job . And then at 5:00 you got to do it all over again . The Commute home was often two hours for me . Mind you it gets dark at five In NY in the dead of winter .

So I tell this story to tell of a memory that stands out in my mind. It speaks to what it is I always loved about the winter season . I was walking down my block toward my house after my two hour commute around 7 PM . As my family home came into view (an old Victorian style with lots of windows) a warm glow was seeping from every window and I thought about the warmth and comfort inside as I could take off my shoes , warm my weary feet and sit at the table to a hot meal I knew my mother would have waiting for me . Though I was cold tired and hungry, the anticipation of comfort that awaited me gave me such a warm cozy and grateful feeling and I remember vividly, the feeling in that moment, to this very day.

Many years later I live in a warmer climate and don’t have to commute to work or anywhere on foot or public transportation for that matter. Yet the colder winter months, and the longer darker evenings still give me that cozy feeling as I hibernate comfortably in my home , fire lit, candles glowing , fuzzy socks, cozy throws, snuggly pets, hot drinks and some comfort food on the stove or in the oven . I still am brought back to the times in life when the daily contrast of the uncomfortable vs comfortable was a daily reality .

Winter months are a time to turn inward , focus on ourselves , appreciate the safety and warmth of our dens and reflect on life . To cultivate an awareness that the darkest times are temporary yet necessary to usher in the new spring. For what good is the warmth of summer without the cold to give it sweetness ? And as I look out my windows at the bare trees , the early onset of darkness , the morning frost , the sometimes chilly rain or rare, but occasional snowflakes, here where I now live, I still have a renewed appreciation for the pool too lmss


Saved e hibernation season and embrace it lovingly for all of its necessity in the cycle of seasons .


Dec 2023

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Thankful 2023

I turned 69 this year. My last year in my sixties . As I stare in the face my seventieth Thanksgiving and reflect, as it often does, that beautiful emotion washes over me . That default setting that has been my Rock when life was hard, and my ever present Joy at all times . Gratitude . I cannot imagine facing life without it. It makes every new day promising and me ,exciting . Every experience an adventure . Every encounter with the souls we walk this earth with a gift and the existence of all the life around me a miracle. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t live in a fairy tale. Life can be messy and hard . I am fully aware that the world I live in is hurting . That evil exists . That sadness and confusion and hate swirls around our existence like a storm that never quits but just regroups and rages again in a different way . I am not blind to it . I see it, hear it and talk about it every day . I cry for others in pain and get angry over those who purposefully inflict pain on others . Not only would that be callous and selfish, to not allow the suffering around me bring me to tears as well as bring me to my knees in prayer . But that positive and negative energy exist simultaneously is a scientific fact, and that God allows both to exist in the push and pull of all existence is a spiritual fact . And that we can manipulate how energy flows through us is free will . We are not merely helpless victims of what happens to us . Even when we can’t control events, we can certainly control our own reactions to those events . It has taken me almost 70 years to learn that my purpose in this world is first and foremost to learn and grow. To learn love which is at the center of all things good. And to experience gratitude, which makes life a beautiful ride. I chose to revel in the all the beauty that my life allows , and hang on with hope through the messy parts . My faith, gratitude, love and an ever present hope is what drives me each day .

To all my friends and family . I am so grateful for you, and wish you the ability to harness all the gratitude, love, peace, joy and hope around you this Thanksgiving .

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